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Reiki Healing

 Private Sessions ~ In Person or via Zoom

Reiki Trainings ~ Level 1, 2 + 3 (Master Teachers)

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Reiki Healing is an ancient hands on healing modality that works on a physical, mental, emotional level to restore the body’s natural state of vibrant health and wellbeing. By bringing the body into a deep state of relaxation, calming the nervous system + directing the flow of life force energy, we are able to clear blockages throughout the layers of the subtle body (the auric field) + energy centers (chakras), before they feed into the physical body, creating dis-ease + disharmony.

In Person or Online Reiki Healing

Each Session is 90 minutes long. During the first 30 - 45 minutes I will listen + hold space for you to express any challenges that are present for you, offer intuitive guidance as it arises, and share other tools such as calming breathing techniques or reflective questions, if needed. Once you feel complete, you’ll lay back (in person: on a cozy massage bed, online: in your own bed or on a couch) and we will commence with the Reiki healing session.

The healing power of Reiki


What I love about Reiki is that it is such a simple, yet incredibly powerful form of medicine that can be accessed anywhere + anytime you need it, once you've been attuned. 

As we learn to tune into the subtle energy around us ~ that which can’t be seen with our eyes but can be felt as various emotions, sensations, thoughts ~ we can use our intention, our awareness + simple techniques to bring ourselves back to a state of equilibrium, to a place where we feel more of who we inherently are ~ our most healthy, happy + loving Self!

To me, that is the ultimate form of Self-empowerment ♡

Reiki Level

Koh Tao, Thailand:

At Blue Chitta, June 16 + 17, 2023

11:30am - 5:30pm

Uluwatu, Bali:

At the Istana, October 14 + 15

12 - 6pm

Private Training available in Bali, Thailand, Europe + Canada. Get in touch to inquire about dates

Reiki Level

Koh Tao, Thailand:

At Blue Chitta, July 8 + 9, 2023

11:30am - 5:30pm

Uluwatu, Bali:

At the Istana, November 3 + 4

12 - 6pm

Private Training available in Bali, Thailand, Europe + Canada. Get in touch to inquire about dates

Reiki 3
Master + Teacher

Koh Tao, Thailand:

At Blue Chitta, January 2024 (TBA)

3 days

Uluwatu, Bali:

At the Istana, March 2023 (TBC)

3 days

Private Training available in Bali, Thailand, Europe + Canada. Get in touch to inquire about dates

"My biggest takeaway from Reiki Level 1 with Julia was realising my own ability to connect with the energy in the world around me. Until now I'd always felt I needed someone else's help to really tap into that and now I've discovered it's an ability I have all on my own.


Working with others is still powerful and helpful, but now I feel more connected and know I have the tools I need to connect with that energy whenever it's helpful for me."

~ Kat Lewis

Reiki 1
Reiki Level1

Koh Tao, Thailand:

At Blue Chitta, June 16 + 17, 2023

11:30am - 5:30pm

Uluwatu, Bali:

 October 13 + 14, Location (TBA)

12 - 6pm

Private Training available in Bali, Thailand, Europe + Canada. Get in touch to inquire about dates



Being initiated + attuned to Reiki level 1 is a simple but profound experience. It's a process of connecting to your own inner light on a deeper level, and to the universal source of light + love that surrounds you. Once you've been attuned - a process which opens the crown, third eye and heart chakras, you'll begin a cleansing + clearing period, 21 days of self-healing.

For me, this was the most transformative aspect of my Reiki training. Learning how to self-heal, support myself through life's challenges, shift, ground and raise my energy. We'll talk about what you can expect in this 21 day period and how to best support yourself through this transition. 

During your initiation into the Usui Reiki lineage + teachings, you'll learn what Reiki is and how it works, how to work with energy for self-healing, and how to share with Reiki with friends + family. We'll also cover a brief history, the 7 main chakras, how to create sacred space, and how to protect + ground yourself.

We'll also explore some Shamanic elements that you can incorporate to create a more well rounded and grounded practice.


Included: Level 1 PDF manual + certificate. 

Bonus: my complete guide to the 7 main chakras, + 7 guided chakra meditations + 7 mini chakra yoga flows to help you through your 21 day cleansing period.

" I was particularly drawn to this training for the Shamanic aspects. I am drawn to incorporating the elements, natural rhythms and Nature's wisdom into our own unique healing journeys and how these gifts can help the collective healing of the Planet. I knew Julia would be a beautiful teacher as she weaves these aspects into all she shares. I trusted I would be in safe hands... and I was!


It is obvious that Julia has produced this course from the heart, with a deep personal commitment to the lineage of her teachers and a great deal of integrity."

Emma Carter

Reiki Level 2

Koh Tao, Thailand:

At Blue Chitta, July 8 + 9, 2023

11:30am - 5:30pm

Uluwatu, Bali:

November 3 + 4, Location (TBA)

12 - 6pm

Private Training available in Bali, Thailand, Europe + Canada. Get in touch to inquire about dates



Once you've been attuned to Reiki Level 1 and have completed the first 21 day cleansing period, you can then move on to Reiki 2. 

This is your opportunity to step into your path as a healer + lightworker, using Reiki to not only heal yourself, but to facilitate healing for your loved ones + clients, and contribute to our healing on a global level.

You'll learn how to activate the sacred symbols + mantras, which can be also be used to enhance your own self-healing Reiki practice ~ working on an even deeper level to transform subconscious patterns, emotional wounds + physical pain. You'll also learn how to use long distance healing to reach loved ones and clients across the globe, spanning space + time to access greater levels of healing + connection.


With Reiki level 2 you may begin working with clients in a therapeutic setting (if you choose), so we'll cover best practices for setting up your space for in person + online distance healing.

As with Reiki 1, we'll have plenty of time for embodied practice, group connection, reflection + sharing of our experience, and we'll use some shamanic principles and tools we learned in Reiki 1 to keep us grounded + connected to the elements.  


Included: Level 2 PDF manual + certificate. 

Reiki 2
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