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Wild  Feminine 


This is a complimentary pre-recorded workshop, for the woman who wants to awaken her wise + wild feminine essence.

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Awaken Your Wild Feminine Power

During this workshop I'll take you on a journey through guided visualisation, where you will meet your Wise + Wild feminine essence. She will show you how to embody your highest self worth, so that you can unashamedly ask for what you want + need, feel at home in your body, and be open to receive the wildest joy + fulfilment that life has to offer.


The moment you decide you've had enough of giving your power away, of abandoning yourself, of believing that you're not enough, or that you're too much ~ that’s when you invite the wise + wild one to come alive within.


She is fierce, yet tender. Soft, yet strong. Ever-changing, flowing, cyclical. Luminous. Unpredictable. Magical. Brave. Feet planted in the soil, heart open + face lifted to the moon.


She is YOU.


When you take off the many masks you wear + drop the defensive armour, you allow both your innate strength + tender heart to be seen.


Standing there, just as you are, in all your perfectly imperfect glory...


You are the Wild Feminine, IN BLOOM.


And isn’t that just the most beautiful sight to see?

The moment you decide you've had enough...

You awaken your
wild feminine

I'm Jules

I'm Jules. I'm a Woman's Coach, Yogini + Reiki Master.


I help women to build self confidence and activate their magnetic power to attract the love + life they desire.


The road map? Ancient Wisdom teachings from the Ayurvedic + Tantric traditions.

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Join the Wise + Wild Tribe, and get immediate access to this one hour virtual workshop:


Wild  Feminine  In Bloom


Enter your email below + click "Yes Please!", then check your email for the link (if you don't see a message from me in you inbox, check your junk mail/spam).


~ Plus I’ll continue to share powerful tools and resources that keep you aligned with your Wise + Wild essence.


with love,

Jules x




Find out more on how to work with me here.

Welcome to the Wise + Wild tribe! Check your inbox for the workshop details.

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